Archive for November 2009

Wow! Is Sunday my best day ever!??

posted by W W Quang

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WOW!!! yesterday...(sunday)

Sunday morning , me and my family went to belakong , GUESS WHAT!?? TO GET OUR NEW CAR!
it took 1 hour ...-.-
after that we went to lunch , at Tien Xia , it s a chinese retaurant , and its at the temple land -.- unbelieveable huh?
after lunch ......EXCITING! We went to sunway pyramid...... and then we go to the hardware shop.....
after that , we went to nike shop . and i bought a Nike sport shoe!!! and i bought a shirt too....

so how? nice =D?
its a running shoe...... it can up a Nike-Ipod system on it ! cool huh? see this......

cool huh?
but i didnt buy that thing ......-.-

well till here first ! 

is this the feelings ...? when you're in love......

posted by W W Quang

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Sometimes ... i really wish that i've never met u before......
BUT...... now i've realize , love is so annoying , complicated and confused......
just wish that i could be with you...... just wish... that u will know this is for YOU

i dont wanna be lonely......never wanted.......
i just need a love partner to realize who am I , ME
well...... as i said......just wish YOU understand what im talking about......i hope we could be like them......

well...... ADIOS!

My first blog! =D

posted by W W Quang

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Oh yeah....... finally , i have my own blog , blog that about my days? SPECIAL DAYS ! =D about my blogskin? nice? pls comment ! >.<
=P well..... till here first . ADIOS!